The High Desert Quilt Guild of Redmond, Oregon is a nonprofit organization. Membership in the Guild is open to anyone with an interest in quilting. We are dedicated to educating the public on the history and artistry of quilt making. We provide quilts stitched for special populations and charities; sponsor and support quilting activities; and promote fellowship among quilters.
Our Executive BoardOur 2025 Elected Officers:
| Additional Board Members & Committee ChairsCommunity Quilts:
Fat Quarters: Pam Sommers Finance Secretary: Sue Peringer Quilting Bees: Dawn Williams Google Account Manager: Debbie Johnson Historian: Susan McGuire Holiday Party: Mary Wymore Hospitality: Margaret McMahon, Tammy Phillips Library: Sue Nikiel Membership: Judy Wells Membership Services: Pam Sommers Mentor Program: Julie Kassan Mystery Quilt: Dawn Williams Newsletter: Minda Morton Parliamentarian: Cheri Herr Programs: Karen Eastburn Publicity: Deborah Medlar Quilt Show Co-Chairs: **Sandra Mansfield (temp) Raffle Quilt Sales: ** Help Needed ** Retreat: Margaret Chappell Sew Days: Petei Auxier Sunshine: Louise Davis Silver Thimble Award: Shirley Smith Technology: Melissa Heuser, Cheri Herr, Janet Sweeney, Renee Schindele Workshops: Denise Brown |